November 12, 2014

The growing popularity of machine translation services

With the growing popularity of digital content and expectations of the customers for quality translations in their own local language, translation companies experience a great pressure from international businesses to localize content in order to gain maximum online presence. As…

September 27, 2014

EXPERT Hybrid Machine Translation – Dublin September 2014

Pangeanic’s Alex Helle and Manuel Herranz will represent the company in this Marie Curie action by the European Union that aims to improve existing corpus-based TM and MT technologies by addressing their well-known shortcomings through the use of more sophisticated…

February 14, 2014

How Does Machine Translation Work?

Under the right situations, machine translation, sometimes referred to as MT, is a powerful tool. Delivering low-quality conversion of text within seconds is an impressive feat compared to humans taking hours or days to work through a large document. In…

February 13, 2014

When Is It Best to Use Machine Translations?

Still under the impression that machine translations are not worth it? It’s time to think again. The world of machine translation has gone through a lot of growth over the past few years. Many different industries are making use of…

October 22, 2013

What is The Size of the Translation Industry?

How big is the translation services market? Which are the most demanded languages? What trends can we identify in the translation industry? We will address these and other questions in our “Knowledge” section about the translation industry. The good news for…

September 21, 2013

DIY MT or SaaS model machine translation?

A recent question on LinkedIn’s Bay Area Machine Translation User Group asked what is best, a DIY MT solution or a SaaS model. It is a good question as the market has moved very fast from “MT-denial” to almost widespread…

July 10, 2013

How to Choose the Right Translation Service

As our world becomes somewhat smaller when it comes to communicating on an international basis, it’s now important to be able to communicate in many different languages. However, many businesses are not familiar with how translation works and how to…

July 4, 2013

Machine Translation: the ALPAC report

The best known event in the history of machine translation is without doubt the publication in November 1966 of the report by the Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC 1966). Its effect was to bring to an end the substantial…