If you are an upcoming business owner, a CEO driven by big, international marketing goals, you will definitely like to come up with new techniques to reach wider audiences. You are confident your home market is the world and you…
UK spends £1M interpreting in prisons, £15M in court translation
How much does each EU country spend in court/legal interpreting and translations and interpreting in prisons? In the case of the UK, the proportion of foreign nationals in English & Welsh jails is now over 10%. The cost of hiring…
Language Translation Across Industries
Ever since the first global businesses came about, translation has always played an important part in business communication. Firms that are located in a number of different countries require translation services to convert document, records and processes into a text…
What is The Size of the Translation Industry?
How big is the translation services market? Which are the most demanded languages? What trends can we identify in the translation industry? We will address these and other questions in our “Knowledge” section about the translation industry. The good news for…
What formats can I use for translation?
What are the most common formats for a translation? Can you translate my document in my format? We are often asked this question before receiving a translation job. As a professional translation company, we must provide the highest compatibility with all…
Key concepts and terms in translation and multilingual services
When the Pangeanic team are out of the company, and someone around us wants to know exactly what we do, not everyone understands us easily. This reflects the fact that society in general is unaware of the translation industry and…
Translate your Business: Visibility through a multilingual website
Economies, political decisions and cultures around the world are so intertwined today, from knowing the latest about the Tokyo Stock Exchange, political decision-making in the EU, to the U.S. employment rate. We simply cannot ignore the best means we have…
How to Choose the Right Translation Service
As our world becomes somewhat smaller when it comes to communicating on an international basis, it’s now important to be able to communicate in many different languages. However, many businesses are not familiar with how translation works and how to…