Pangeanic has been invited as one of the 3 guest speakers at TMS Inspiration Days (19-20 April 2012) to showcase its transition from Language Service Provider to machine translation software application vendor. Manuel Herranz’ talk will deal with the initial
PangeaMT Syntax-Based Hybrid presentation at JTF
Linguistic Information for Hybrid MT
Pangeanic supports Translators without Borders
Translators without Borders, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping NGOs extend their humanitarian work by providing free, professional translations, has launched their online Translation Center – an automated platform via which non-governmental organizations approved by Translators without Borders can request translations.
Machine Translation DIY at TAUS Barcelona 2011
Pangeanic’s attendance to the machine-translation summit TAUS Barcelona 2011 generated well-earned interest, as the company’s self-training, DIY machine-translation technologies were unveiled in a recent press-release. The announcement that Pangeanic’s PangeaMT package will provide a customized API for users to its